Internship vol 2 gay furry porn comics

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How is it 'irrelevant'? Just because you're getting 1 page per week and it isn't about Andy being at his internship 100% of the time, it doesn't make the title 'false advertisement', what are you even talking about?Ī college professor will mark points off an essay because of an 'irrelevant title'? Unlikely, unless the essay has nothing to do with the theme you were told to write. If it was just a comic about just his internship, it'd be fucking boring. Its a story about Andy and his internship to a career path, and the choices he makes along the way. Its not false advertising, you are using that term incorrectly. In the next parts of the comic the story will return to Andy at his internship, only now he has the baggage of these events which we are witnessing, otherwise the story simply stagnates. Cooper has to deal with the consequence from what he started, Andy has to deal with the consequence of his reciprocation, it could be a choice between letting emeray down, letting cooper down, or possibly losing them both if keeping both does not become an option. We are on the path after cooper kissed Andy that lead Andy to kiss cooper back, had he not done that, the story would have taken a totally different route this is the consequence of that action, and the knock on effect will be the fork in the road for Andy and cooper when they have to make a choice. Every action in life has a consequence, and every consequence has an effect.

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