Black gay pride logo

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They took their classic Chuck Taylors and added some extra flair and bling. The company who practically invented the casual kicks just launched an absolutely stunning 2019 Pride collection.

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Top 9 Pride Month Business Logos of 2019 Converse Logo design has become much more minimalist (and sometimes a bit drab) over the past few years, which makes these Pride Month logos a site for sore eyes – especially if you like a bit of color in your branding.īelow is our roundup of the 10 brands who nailed their Pride Month logo and why we like their design. While we’re not here to get political or share our cultural beliefs or opinions, we do want to take a look at some of the creative and colorful logo designs businesses have been displaying the past few weeks. This year marks the 50th year of the Stonewall riots in New York City and many brands are showing their support for the community by adding either a rainbow filter onto their business logo or creating a new temporary logo to show their solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community during the month of June.

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